Becky Kaye

Coach Becky - Meet Our Coaches

Becky Kaye

Meet Becky Kaye

“Be Strong in Your Resolve, Deal Only with What IS and avoid Wondering What If!” – Unknown

I have had an active, energetic mind my whole life. At the same time, I’ve struggled always wondering if, or when, my body would match! From a young age, I was overweight, and I carried this with me for years. I made critical life decisions based on it — deciding to follow a career path of graphic design rather than a more active job of teaching and coaching. I played sports, coached sports, both adult and youth, all while still maintaining an unhealthy weight.

In 1995, tired of making choices in my life based on fear or limitations, I decided to change my lifestyle, ultimately my whole life. Over the next 4 years, I lost 108 pounds. As my overall physical, as well as my self-confidence, dramatically improved, I realized my current career and lifestyle were not making me happy. Because I wanted to instruct, coach, help others reach healthy goals as well as be more be active personally, I chose a new career and a new lifestyle.

I went back to school to become a Physical Therapist and signed up for my first endurance cycling event, a 350-mile ride over four days. I was hooked! Then in 2002 after participating in my first Americas Most Beautiful Bike Ride in Lake Tahoe with Team in Training (TNT), I began a path to becoming a Coach. Through the TNT program, I completed my beginner and advanced cycling certifications and went on to coach several teams in subsequent years. Being a coach for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society TNT program has been one of the most gratifying experiences in my life. I met amazing people of all athletic abilities and felt honored to help them achieve their fitness and cycling goals. In 2013, with the help of an amazing triathlon coach and friend (who just happens to be Coach Kristen) I began participating in triathlons, completing my first one, River Cities Triathlon, at the age of 50! Little did I know that my real journey had just begun.

My Coaching Philosophy

Don’t focus so hard on the goal that you forget to enjoy the journey, that you forget to tell yourself how great you are for all the many perhaps seemingly small accomplishments along the way.

So often we focus perhaps too much on reaching the end goal, sometimes paying little or no attention to the process, to the journey along the way. We all have obstacles that can interfere with achieving our goal, yet it is these very challenges, these things to overcome that can often be the most gratifying part of the journey and ultimately make us stronger.

Over the years, I have coached and trained a wide variety of athletes, some who didn’t even actually consider themselves athletes when they started. The skills I have gained being a coach since 2006 and a physical therapist since 1997, provide me unique knowledge and experience that I bring to cycle coaching, bike fits, and for the Postural Stability programming. My job is to listen, to observe, to encourage, and to help you reach your fitness goals, enjoying all the small accomplishments along the way.

Coaching since 2006

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