Bryce Landers

Bryce Landers - Meet Our Coaches

Bryce Landers

Meet Coach Bryce

“The obstacle in the path becomes the path. Never forget, within every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our condition.” -Ryan Holiday

Finding Your Own Path

We often view fitness as a linear path, when in reality that path has many twists and turns along the way. It involves a process of finding out what works and what doesn’t for each individual. What you enjoy and what you absolutely hate. What makes you feel good and what feels more like a chore.

My personal fitness journey and my path within the fitness industry is no different. I struggled with my weight and body dysmorphia for the better part of 25+ years. Growing up, I was always the “funny fat kid” who hid my insecurities through humor. I did get lucky in being a generally natural athlete who didn’t have to try too hard to pick up new sports. But this ultimately left me with a false narrative that I didn’t need to put in the hard work when it came to my fitness. Oh boy, I was wrong.

I am now a certified personal trainer, Certified USA TRI coach and someone who completed his first Tri (on a rented bike), ran in various Spartan races, tackled 100-mile bike rides, and even competed in the Hyrox world championships. I’m always looking for a new race and a new challenge to tackle. My health and fitness journey has taken some unexpected twists and turns along the way, but I am excited to see where this path leads and hopeful that many more will come along for the ride.

My Coaching Philosophy

I firmly believe that we are a product of where we invest our time, energy, and effort. My coaching style involves assessing where my athletes currently are and where they ultimately want to be. We then develop a plan to make small, attainable adjustments within their lives to ensure that their habits are supporting the lifestyle they want to live. This is my philosophy for all my athletes, from brand new athletes to endurance athletes hoping to podium in their next race – we focus on the small adjustments that lead to big results over time. Through positive encouragement, support, and sometimes tough love, I teach my athletes to trust in the process and enjoy the journey.

Coaching since 2018

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